The Healthy Parks, Healthy People Campaign
Branding Design & Content Strategy (2016)
Clients: the Maryland Department of Recreation and Parks and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
The goal of this campaign for the Maryland Department of Recreation and Parks and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, is to get more people out enjoying Maryland’s beautiful state parks. We came up with a creative idea: doctors hand out “prescriptions” from the fake prescription pads below, that give patients free, state-subsidized entry to the parks. Posters are also sent to doctors' offices to spread the word.
I designed logos for each featured park, created posters and brochures to be placed inside of doctors offices, and developed the logo for the program. This was such a fun project and my first dive into civic design—it was an incredible experience. I don’t remember much from this time, as it’s been nearly a decade since this was completed, but it’s still probably some of my best visual work to date.

Above are the logos, or "badges" that I decided to make for each featured state park, and the activities and/or features they're known for. Martinak has a sailboat, Tuckahoe is known for fishing, New Germany is great for cross country skiing, Herrington Manor has a compass, Rocky Gap has a bike, and Deep Creek has canoe paddles.